Lipoma removal traditionally involves one of two methods. Surgery removes the mass in its entirety, and usually prevents a recurrence or regrowth of the lipoma. Lipoma removal surgery is minimally invasive, and usually requires only local anaesthetic.
Liposuction is another option, best suited for small-to-medium sized lipomas. The major advantage of liposuction is that it leaves a smaller permanent scar. The disadvantage is that regrowth of the lipoma is more likely.
Thuja is another, all-natural way to treat lipoma. It is a homeopathic treatment, and will therefore likely not be recommended by a medical professional. Yet, thuja has been used to treat various skin ailments since at least the 18th century. Many people have used thuja to successfully remove unsightly lipomas.
A useful course of action may be to treat your lipoma with thuja first, before resorting to the more invasive techniques of surgery or liposuction. The benefits of thuja treatment include no scarring, little cost, and minimal invasiveness.
What is lipoma?
Lipoma is a benign deposit of adipose tissue (fat) underneath the skin. It feels soft and doughy, and easily displaces when touched. Lipomas are usually painless, unless pushed against nerves, or very large ones that have many blood vessels.
Lipomas are most common in middle-aged and older people, beginning around age 40. The cause of lipomas is largely unknown, but links with obesity, genetics, and sedentary lifestyle are suspected. Although their growth is linked with being overweight, a lipoma will not disappear with simple weight loss. Treatment is necessary.
Lipomas are non-cancerous and rarely medically dangerous. They are, however, unsightly. Therefore, removal may be desired for cosmetic purposes.
What is thuja occidentalis?
Thuja is an evergreen tree with five distinct species. Two are native to North America and three grow in Asia. Medicinal thuja is extracted from the leaves of the Thuja tree. Medicinal thuja is 100% organic and natural. It is used as a homeopathic treatment for many skin conditions.
Medicinal thuja is available in several forms. Thuja oil, creams, and ointments are for topical application directly to the lipoma. Thuja tablets or pellets are for oral ingestion. Usually, the simultaneous use of both topical and oral thuja gives the best results.
How to treat lipoma with thuja
It’s often worthwhile to try thuja before having a lipoma removed by a dermatologist. Thuja has minimal side effects, isn’t costly, and often works quite well on lipoma. You don’t have much to lost by trying thuja first.
Keep in mind, however, that treating a lipoma with thuja is a slow process. It may take weeks for the lipoma to completely fade away. So, you must have patience.
For best results, use both topical and ingested thuja simultaneously. Topical thuja is believed to help break up the fat deposits that form a lipoma, while thuja tablets strengthen the immune system and fight the lipoma from the inside.
Apply thuja oil
Thuja essential oil applied directly to a lipoma helps to dissolve the fat deposits. Two or three applications per day are recommended for best results.
Please note: Thuja oil is too powerful to apply directly to the skin without being diluted first. Thuja oil burns through skin. In fact, thuja oil is used to burn off warts and skin tags. It is a substitute for salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient in most wart medications. So be careful with it.
Thuja oil should be diluted to at least a 10/1 ratio by mixing with water or olive oil. A 20/1 mixture is safer.
Test the mixture on a small area of skin before applying to the entire lipoma. Experimentation is necessary to find the right ratio of for your skin. If the solution burns the outer skin at all, it is too powerful and should be further diluted.
I recommend using an oil rather than water. Oil is thicker, obviously, and its viscosity helps the application stay in place better. You can use any kind of edible oil you have in your kitchen, such as avocado oil, vegetable oil, etc.
Thuja cream and ointment is also available, but the formulations for them are mostly for wart treatment. Much too strong for lipoma.
Take thuja capsules
Thuja capsules are also helpful for fighting lipoma. Ingested thuja strengthens the immune system, and helps the body fight the HPV virus that causes warts. Thuja capsules may also help the body diffuse excess adipose tissue and fight lipomas from within.
For best results, use a topical and an oral thuja product simultaneously. The thuja tablet helps fight the lipoma from within, and the topical application attacks it from the outside.
Final thoughts
Results will vary when treating lipoma with thuja. But, in my opinion, it’s definitely worth a try. Thuja is a relatively cheap, all-natural product. Many people have had success using it to treat a variety of skin issues, including lipoma.
Because lipoma is a cosmetic issue, and not usually an urgent or serious threat to health, initial homeopathic treatment makes sense in most cases.
Please comment below your experience with using thuja to treat lipoma. Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.
Choose a thuja product to zap your lipoma
Thuja Oil | Thuja Ointment | Thuja Capsules |
Photo credit: “Thuja” by _Arismendy is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
i Haven’t started using Thuja yet. I am having success with apple cider vinegar. 3 Tbsp to a glass of water 3 times a day. I also take Turmeric, dandelion root, and Burdock root. When I receive the Thuja oil I will try thuja 30c orally and use thuja oil as a topical. I believe it will work, I have tried a lipoma cream but haven’t had much success. So far I think vinegar has been the biggest help.