Olive oil is 100% fat, but it should not be considered “fattening” because that is a negative term. Olive oil consists of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are the good kind of fats that enhance your health. Studies show that these unsaturated fats help to increase the “good” cholesterol levels in your blood which reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke.
A healthy diet should get about 30% of its calories from fat but the type of fat you eat, either saturated or unsaturated, is critical to your cardiovascular health. You should try to get the vast majority of your fat from vegetable sources such as olive and canola oil, as opposed to saturated fat which comes from animal sources and is linked to increased cholesterol levels and hardening of the arteries.
All fats are high in calories
If you’re worried about weight gain from olive oil, remember that all fats contain over twice the amount of calories per gram as carbohydrates and proteins. Whereas 1 g of fat equals about 9 cal, 1 g of proteins and carbohydrates both equal 4 calories. So, you should eat all fats including olive oil in moderation, and use them to replace animal fats in your diet instead of supplementing them.
Try replacing heavier oils and fats in your cooking, such as butter in lards, with olive oil. Olive oil has a wonderful texture and flavor and once you get used to it you will not miss those heavier fats.
Be careful with cooking with olive oil, however, because it has a very low smoke point of about 350° which means that it will burn quite easily. It is best to drizzle olive oil directly over your food after cooking, or use it to dip breads.
Olive oil makes you feel satiated
If you are concerned about weight gain with olive oil, consider that although it packs quite a punch calorie wise, it also is very satiating, meaning that it helps to decrease hunger levels and cravings for food. So, after eating olive oil you a notice that it will keep you feeling full for a good length of time.
We recommend eating 2 tablespoons a day of high quality extra virgin olive oil because it is a great source of healthy fats, nutrients, and enzymes. We think you will find that olive oil is not fattening at all, but will instead aid in maintenance of proper body weight and in even help with weight loss.
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