Fat burning protein powder isn’t a real thing. So please don’t be a sucker and purchase a product that advertises itself as such. “Fat burning” is a marketing gimmick used to promote all kinds of products. I don’t know how they are allowed to get away with it because it is patently untrue. But they do it because it works. And it works well. Unwitting consumers gobble up “fat burning” foods because it sounds like a magical, easy way to lose weight. Wouldn’t it be great if all we needed to do to lose weight was eat fat burning products. No exercise, no diet plan necessary. What a dream. It sounds too good to be true, and it is to get to be true. The truth is that no food or product can “burn” fat. Everything we consume breaks down into the basic nutritional components of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and […]
Here’s Why Soy Milk Won’t Make You Fat
Is it really true that drinking lots of soy milk promotes weight gain? A quick Google search demonstrates that opinions are all over the map. For example, some health websites (here and here) sound the alarm against soy milk. They say it is not only fattening but also highly unhealthy. These claims generally revolve around pesticides used in producing soybeans, and the unproven idea that estrogen-mimicking compounds (phytoestrogens) in soy milk wreak havoc on men’s hormones. This article even goes as far as saying that soy milk is so unhealthy that it should never have any place in anyone’s diet. Well, as an avid soy milk drinker and a student of nutrition, I feel confident and entitled to speak my own two cents on the issue. As background: I drink soy milk nearly every day as a creamer for my coffee, in my oatmeal and breakfast cereal, and just by itself is a refreshing drink. […]
Eating More Fruits And Vegetables Can Help You Lose Weight
If you are trying to lose weight, adding more fruit and vegetables to your diet is very beneficial. Everybody knows that fruit and vegetables are healthy and that we should eat 4 to 6 servings per day of each, but many people are not aware that they promote natural weight loss, and improve the speed at which you shed pounds. Fruit and vegetables have high fiber content which aids weight loss One of their best nutritional qualities for weight loss is that they are high in natural fiber. Fiber is the part of food that is not able to be digested and therefore does not contain any calories, as it is not converted into energy by the body. But fiber does expand inside the stomach, giving a feeling of satiety are fullness, meaning that our hunger cravings are temporarily relieved while eating a relatively low calorie food. Fiber also helps […]
Here’s How Good-Old Oatmeal Promotes Weight Loss
You probably already know that oatmeal is super-healthy. But do you know that eating oatmeal also can help you to lose weight, without even trying? Here’s how: Whole grains keep you feeling full for hours Oatmeal is made from cut and dried oats, which are great source of whole-grain. “Whole-grain” means that oats are not heavily processed prior to consumption (they are simply cut, or rolled, and dried). It also means that the super nutritious oat bran and oat germ are present in oatmeal. They have not been stripped away during the refining process, like they are for white bread and white rice. Both the bran and germ are packed with vitamins and nutrients that elevate mood and keep hunger away. When it comes to weight loss, this is important. Being whole-grain means that oatmeal is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, which break down slowly in the digestive tract. The […]