A coffee enema has the same net effect on the body as a powerful laxative in that it helps to eliminate constipation, but its main health benefit lies in its ability to speed and aid the removal of toxins from the bloodstream.
Coffee enemas are thought to stimulate bile production by the liver which enhances the filtering of impurities from our body. The caffeine in the coffee enlarges the veins of the liver and expands the bile duct which increases the flow of bile.
Bile is produced and stored in the gallbladder, but it is released in the small intestine to help in the digestive process of lipids, which are fat molecules and cholesterol. Bile acts as a surfactant in the small intestine, helping to break down the fat molecules and triglycerides.
The coffee enema has an added health benefit of improving symptoms of constipation. It stimulates peristalsis, which is the natural movement of food by the muscles in the colon through the digestive system. It will aid the removal of feces that is packed against the walls of the colon which may be preventing food absorption at optimum levels.
How to do a coffee enema
Do it yourself coffee enema kits are readily available online. Coffee is added to the enema water by boiling it and adding about 2 to 4 tablespoons of organic coffee grounds per quart. Then it should then be removed and the fluid allow to simmer for 15 more minutes, and then allowed to cool to room temperature either naturally or by adding a cup or two of cool water.
The entire blood supply in the body circulates to the liver once every 3 minutes, and the coffee enema should be allowed to remain in the bowels for approximately 15 minutes which will allow the liver to filter through the complete blood supply about five times.
As bile is released and absorbs lipids and toxins, it frees the liver to do its job more efficiently. The liver and body are cleared of built up debris, and the procedure has a very similar effect as blood dialysis as the liver and body are essentially detoxified and brought back into balance.
Although the caffeine from a coffee enema is absorbed directly through the walls of the small intestine, it does not have the same effect on the body as caffeine that is orally ingested, as it is not absorbed as readily. It is recommended that the enema be performed in the morning, however, as the caffeine absorption may prevent sleep in some individuals otherwise.
The coffee enema has been safely performed and enjoyed for over a century now. It is currently very popular with cancer patients as a means to rid the body of toxins introduced during the chemotherapy process.
Coffee enemas also have health benefits as an alternative form of medicine for the average individual. They may be performed several times a day without adverse consequences, or you may choose to try a coffee enema regimen where you perform the procedure once per day to see how your body reacts to it and if it makes you feel better.
For the Coffee Connoisseur
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