Many acne sufferers report that they receive relief from their symptoms with the use of coconut oil. Natural vegetable oil such as coconut, olive, and jojoba oil are popular active ingredients in many skin care products. They are included in many over-the-counter soaps, cosmetics, lotions, creams, and shampoos. One of the reasons for the effectiveness of coconut oil on acne is because it has antibacterial properties which helps prevent and reverse the symptoms of acne. Acne is caused by a buildup of bacteria, dirt, and dead skin cells in the pores of the skin. The pores become infected and inflamed and the result is acne. Simply put, the coconut oil helps to kill the bacteria and microorganisms that cause pimples. Coconut oil is also very high in vitamin E which is well-known to be helpful to promote healthy skin. How to apply coconut oil to acne The first thing you […]